Hold on.
Dexter Hayes is an older, more distinguished gentleman I worked with. Class act, old school fine dining server. He’d even wear suspenders and carry a table scraper when it wasn’t required. “Hayes of Glory” we would call him.
Having no kids of his own, Dexter helped sponsor and coach several teams for inner city, lower income families. He told me about this one team he coached where all his kids were considerably smaller than all the players on the league’s other teams. He humbly used the term ‘peep squeaks’ to describe the overall physical statures of his team. His advice to them was a beautiful metaphoric outlook for life.
“When you see one of those big fellas with the ball running towards you, do not be afraid. Grab ahold of him and don’t let go. Help is on the way. I promise you, help is on the way.”
Help is on the way.
It’s important to remember going through all parts of life that help is on the way. But just like Dexter told his peep squeaks, you have to hold on. Get a good grip, fight for all your worth. Don’t let go, don’t give up. Fight as if your life depends on it.
A lot of times it does.
There is nothing as undeniable as the human spirit. When you look at the greatest achievements of the greatest humans…academically, industrially, physically…all categories…these are all feats we ALL are capable of. The difference is when crunch time, when the HARD work set in…they didn’t mind holding on. And just as importantly, they didn’t lose faith in waiting for help.
Now I know realistically that there are some constraints on us all. Some unconquerable obstacles. Physical stature, economical situation, educational assets…but to dream is to be human. To peruse a dream into reality is what makes us extraordinary.
And the help. Just as important as the act of holding on. I know for a fact not all of Dexter’s teammates got along like best buds. But when one of them was holding on to one of their bigger opponents, they didn’t care who the help was coming from. And the teammate eager to pile on and help bring down the bigger adversary didn’t, in fact, care WHO they were helping. They just knew it was their purpose to help.
Help is on the way. It might be your best friend. It might be an unexpected ally with a parallel goal. It might be from an unknown. It could be a karmatic payback from an entity or the universe itself for being a good person. It might be inner strength obtained by learning that you’re holding on and you can do it. We get what we deserve, we get what we earn. But you have to hold on until the miracle occurs.
And you can do it.
It also it up to us the be the one that helps. The balance of the world depends on it. You help because it is the right thing to do, not for rewards. You help because your teammate needs you. Because one time you were in, or you will be in, the same situation. You help because at the end of the day, we’re all humans just trying to make it.
Our spirit is unbreakable.
But sometimes it bends.
And when you find yourself in a near spine-shattering bend, just hold on.
I promise you.
Help is on the way.