Sometimes you might only have the breath in your lungs.  But as long as you have that, you have something to be grateful for.

“Gratitude” is lip sneer inducing for many.  It can be a condescending idea at times.  “Be thankful” . . .”be appreciative”. . . “don’t take your blessings for granted” . . . “tis better to have loved and lost than to get the milk for free” or however that last one goes.

The topic of gratitude can be cringe worthy because a lot of times it is a default answer.  When the topics have run their course, speak about gratitude.  When you are down in the dumps, make a gratitude list.  When contemplating a major decision, look at your gratitude (among other things) and how this might impact all that.

Foxhole prayers.  We’re all guilty of these, right?  Whatever it is you might choose to believe in, more often than not we go about our daily business gleefully and ignorantly blessed.  Head in the clouds, daily little bumps in the road are expected and we can deal with them.  But when the excrement slaps the oscillating cooling device, we turn to that prayer/meditation/plea to whatever we deem as a higher power.

Sickness, anxiety, trouble, relationship issues, insecurities…how quickly we become religious.  How quickly we become humble servants.  Be it to a god, Mother Nature, galactic powers, Khama…we seek to remove our control out of our own hands and ask for a celestial being to help us.

Why don’t we show that same appreciation for what we DO have when we’re not in the trenches?

Taking for granted is indeed a very humanistic phenomenon.  It’s difficult to be in a sheer moment of joy and stop and just say “THANK YOU.”  We are blessed with a miraculous life; existence in itself is a miracle.  We allow the daily hustle and bustle to cloud our appreciation for the most simplistic things.

I do have that air in my lungs.

I do have shelter.

I do have a family.  My own blood, biological.  My own that I started with someone else.  Cousins for days and days.

I am relatively healthy.

I have luxuries that many people in the world don’t have access to; electricity, indoor plumbing, internet, air conditioning, various forms of entertainment…endless.


Why is it so hard for us to show that appreciation?

Looked at myself, had this wonderful epiphany.  It was my birthday recently and for the most part (outside of consuming a cake made for about 8 people entirely by myself) it was a seemingly normal day.  But I looked at it outside of myself as someone looking in.  What that day consisted of.

Hung out with my best friend, known him since 5th grade and I just turned 48.  You have a calculator.

What a blessing to have a friend that ling.  That KNOWS me and we are still friends.

Also hung out with someone I was in high school with.  And we also are still friends.

“Coached” my son’s basketball team for their game.  Amazing.  Never would’ve thought I’d be in that situation.

Ate my favorite food.  That I just happen to eat all the time.  Not everyone gets to do that.

My family constantly supports me, nods and smiles, encourages and accepts me.  Way beyond what I deserve.

Went to a pro wrestling show in a parking lot in brutal Carolina summer heat.  And had a blast.  Such a good time.

These are things I get to do all the time.  These are also things many people never get to do.

I am so thankful.


But also not just when things are shiny and pleasant.

But when the struggles are present.

I’ve shared this somewhat new-to-me philosophy with a few people, I’ve mentioned it in a couple speaking gigs I’ve had recently.

When it hurts the most, when the trouble is present, when the obstacles seem insurmountable, show gratitude.

Again, be it whatever you believe in, but I beyond believe…I KNOW…we are trusted with everything we are given.  Like load bearing bungee cords, we have a predetermined capacity for all the world is to deal us.  We are endowed the power to adapt, overcome and conquer all challenges.

Sometimes it hurts.  Sometimes it involves loss.  Sometimes the answer isn’t immediate. Sometimes we question why are to be trusted with such heavy burdens.

But we legitimately are built for all this life has to throw at us.  Prepared for it.  Trusted with it.

And for that we should be grateful.

I am grateful my God has trusted me with the children I have.

I am grateful to have struggled with alcoholism and addiction.

I am grateful for all the pain and all the defeats I have suffered.

For it has all made me stronger. Wiser. Even more prepared.

I am honored to be trusted with the burdens given to me.

It has given me purpose.

It has given me a renewed breath of fresh air to breathe.

And sometimes you might only have the breath in your lungs.  But as long as you have that, you have something to be grateful for.

Find something to be grateful for.  Simple and complex.  Spread the attitude of gratitude.  The more you are consciously grateful for, the more things to be grateful about will bloom.

Believe me, I’ve seen it first hand.

And I am grateful for it.
